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The House Hunting Checklist

So, it's 2016 and there are hundreds of homes available in your price range and in the town you want to move to. Life is good, the hardest part is choosing which house you want to offer a few grand under asking price and seeing how much the seller will allow in giving back to you with closing costs.

Just kidding, it's 2022 and there are fewer homes on the market than there are buyers but that doesn't mean YOU need to jump on the first home you see. This house hunting checklist is just one example of what I'll bring along when we view homes together. Once you start viewing homes, the homes do tend to get mingled in your brain. What house had the great fireplace? Or wait... was that the house with the tiny back yard? This check list will help.

There is no hard rule on how many houses you should see before you make an offer. I viewed 5 before offering on my current home, but I would have made on offer on this home if it was the first one I saw because it checked off the boxes I need checked off.

I hope this helps!

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